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Making Sense of Data Unit 2 - part 3


Unit 2 Activity, Part 3

Welcome to the Unit 2 Activity, Part 3.

In the Unit 2 Activity, Part 2, you generated charts to analyze your hot beverage sales. In this part of the activity, you will practice:

  • Creating summaries with category variables
  • Analyzing summaries
  • Using filters to narrow down values in the table

Question 1 of 7

 Instruction: Create a summary showing the overall sum of TotalProfit. The resulting summary table should have a single value.

What is the sum of the TotalProfit brought in by all the hot beverages?

마찬가지로 앞에서 풀어온 파일로 계속 풀어야 합니다

근데 웹에서 풀면 맞는데 왜 파일로는 합계가 안 맞음? -_-;;

Question 2 of 7

In the Unit 2 Activity, Part 2, you found the most popular brands and most profitable hot beverage types. Now find which levels of caffeination are selling the most.

Instruction: Create a Summary by Caffeine, showing the sum of TotalProfit.

You should now have a summary table displaying the sum of TotalProfit for each value of the Caffeine variable. Were you able to successfully create this summary?

Question 3 of 7

Which Caffeine value brought in the greatest total profits?

이런 그래프가 나와야 함..

Question 4 of 7

Instruction: Create a new summary. Summarize by the Brand, Caffeine, and Category variables. Show the summary count, as well as the sum of the TotalProfit variable. The resulting summary table should have 30 rows. Then filter the summary table so that only caffeinated beverages are showing.

How many rows are there in the filtered summary table?

이거는 브랜드로 섬머리를 낸 다음, 카페인과 카테고리를 추가 한 테이블을 만들어서 30줄을 만들어서 카페인 필터링하면 열이 몇 개 나오느냐의 문제. 아래의 그래프를 만들어야 함

Question 5 of 7

Instruction: Add another filter to the summary so that the only visible brands are Uluru, Fenwick, and Leamington. 

Which brand and category bring in the most amount of total profit?

Question 6 of 7

According to the filtered summary table, how many times was Fenwick Coffee sold in the past year?

Hint: Make sure you are looking at count of Fenwick Coffee, and not the sum of UnitsSoldfor Fenwick Coffee.

Question 7 of 7

Finally, here is the primary question you started with: how should you invest your resources in order to grow your business in Russia?

Based on your analysis, how would you answer this question?

Note: this is a critical thinking question, there are no wrong answers.


FENWICK Coffee, ULURU Cooffe&Tea market target 이라고 제출 했음.. 
