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Making Sense of Data Unit 3 - part 1


Unit 3 Activity, Part 1

Welcome to the Unit 3 Activity!

In this activity, you are going to practice using more advanced analysis techniques in order to understand the factors influencing the loss of forest area in the world. In this part of the activity, you will practice:

  • Identifying the variables required for the analysis
  • Merging tables together

The amount of forest area in the world has been decreasing over the past few years. Environmental researchers want to know why this is happening.

Question 1 of 6

The data process begins with asking questions. In this scenario, the primary question is: what are the factors influencing the loss of forest area in countries?

A performance variable is the primary variable you want to understand in your analysis. Which performance variable would be most helpful for answering the primary question?

Question 2 of 6

There are many possible variables that might influence the rate of forest loss in each country. List three variables that you think might influence the performance variable.

Note: there are many possible answers, answer to the best of your ability.


Indiscriminate development로 제출함..

Question 3 of 6

Here is the primary question: what are the factors influencing the loss of forest area in countries?

Which of these is an example of a secondary question that can help you answer the primary question?

The data that you need in order to answer this question is available on the web through the open data available here: http://data.worldbank.org/  

For this exploration, you will use a Fusion Table that contains data from the World Bank listing countries, along with their classified geographic region, income level, and population.

This data will be merged with another data set from the World Bank which contains information on Forest area. Specifically, you will look at Forest area as a percentage of land area.

In order to simplify the analysis, only data from 2009 and 2010 are present in these tables.

Instruction: Create copies of the Country Data and Country Forest Data tables.

Question 4 of 6

Now it is time to merge the Country Data and the Country Forest Data tables together. Which variable allows you to merge these two Fusion Tables together?

첨부파일로 풀기

making sense of data unit 3_country data.xlsx

Question 5 of 6

By merging the tables, you can start looking at interactions between the variables.

Instruction: Merge the Country Data and Country Forest Data tables together using the Country Name variable.

Important: Start with the Country Data table and then merge the other Country Forest Data table. Ensure that the merged table has 212 rows.

You should have a single merged table that combines Country Data and Country Forest Data. Were you able to successfully merge the two tables together?

Question 6 of 6

Now that the tables are merged, you can start looking for relationships between the variables.

Instruction: Filter the merged table so that only countries who had populations greater than 10,000,000 in 2010 are showing.

What was the average forestPercentChange for countries with populations greater than 10,000,000?

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