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Making Sense of Data Unit 3 - part 2


Unit 3 Activity, Part 2

Welcome to the Unit 3 Activity, Part 2.


In the Unit 3 Activity, Part 1, you merged together data on countries and their rate of forest loss. In this part of the activity, you will practice:


  • Performing a drill-down analysis to find relationships between variables
  • Performing a prediction analysis to estimate values


Here is the Fusion Table used in Part 1



Question 1 of 8


Lesson: Finding Data that Matters With Drill-Down Analysis

For the next few questions you will perform a Drill-Down Analysis, in which you cycle through the variables and see how they influence the performance variable, forestPercentChange.


Instruction: Create a bar chart for the Region variable, looking at the averageforestPercentChange.


Which Region had the greatest loss of forest land, on average, between 2009 and 2010?


 A) Europe & Central Asia

 B) East Asia & Pacific

 C) Latin America & Caribbean

 D) Sub-Saharan Africa


Question 2 of 8


Lesson: Finding Data that Matters With Drill-Down Analysis

Instruction: Sort the Region bar chart from least forestPercentChange to greatestforestPercentChange.


Looking at the sorted bar chart, does the Region variable appear to influence theforestPercentChange variable? Why or why not?



 A) Yes, different regions seem to have different values of forestPercentChange.

 B) Yes, different regions seem to have the same value of forestPercentChange.

 C) No, different regions seem to have different values of forestPercentChange.

 D) No, different regions seem to have the same value of forestPercentChange.



Question 3 of 8


Lesson: Finding Data that Matters With Drill-Down Analysis

Now, look at IncomeGroup instead of Region. What was the average value offorestPercentChange for Low income countries?


 A) 0.104

 B) -0.204

 C) -0.104

 D) -0.304


이건 당췌 무슨말인지 못 알아 먹었다..



Question 4 of 8


Lesson: Finding Data that Matters With Drill-Down Analysis


Looking at the chart, does the IncomeGroup variable seem to influence theforestPercentChange variable?


 A) Yes, different income groups seem to have different values of forestPercentChange.

 B) Yes, different income groups seem to have the same value of forestPercentChange.

 C) No, different income groups seem to have different values of forestPercentChange.

 D) No, different income groups seem to have the same value of forestPercentChange.



Question 5 of 8


Lesson: Finding Data that Matters With Drill-Down Analysis

Instruction: Create a scatter plot with populationGrowthPercent on the x-axis and forestPercentChange on the y-axis.

Does it look like there is a relationship between the populationGrowthPercent andforestPercentChange variables? Why or why not?


 A) Yes, countries with more population growth seem to gain more forest area.

 B) Yes, countries with more population growth seem to lose more forest area.

 C) Yes, countries with low and high population growth seem to lose more forest area.

 D) No, there is not a clear relationship between population growth and change in forest area.



Question 6 of 8


Lesson: Finding Data that Matters With Drill-Down Analysis

Instruction: Filter your scatter plot so that it only displays Low income countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region that had populations greater than 10,000,000 in 2010.

With the filtered chart, does it look like there is a relationship betweenpopulationGrowthPercent and forestPercentChange?


 A) Yes, there is a clear relationship between the two variables.

 B) There could be a slight upward trend but it is not obvious from the graph.

 C) No, there is clearly no relationship between the two variables.





Question 7 of 8


Lesson: Estimating Unknown Values With Prediction Analysis

Now you will use the filtered scatter plot to conduct a basic prediction analysis.


Assume that there were a large, low-income country in Sub-Saharan Africa for which you did not have information on their forestPercentChange, but you did know that they had apopulationGrowthPercent of 1.98% between 2009 and 2010.


Using the nearest neighbors approach, what would you estimate the country'sforestPercentChange to be between 2009 and 2010?


 A) -0.845%

 B) -0.557%

 C) -0.269%

 D) -0.146%



Question 8 of 8


Lesson: Estimating Unknown Values With Prediction Analysis

Although you have generated a prediction for the new country's forestPercentChange, it is difficult to be sure that the prediction would be accurate. What steps can be taken to improve the accuracy of the prediction?


Note: this is a critical-thinking question, there are many correct answers.



statistical analysis of forestPercentChange&populationGrowthPercent 이라고 제출 .
