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Making Sense of Data Unit 1 - part 2


Unit 1 Activity, Part 2

Welcome to the Unit 1 Activity, Part 2.

In the first part of the activity, you asked questions and identified the data that needed to be collected in order to help Fictitious P. Erson. In this part of the activity, you will practice:

  • Applying data types to collected data
  • Identifying variables and records in the data

Note: If you close this page or navigate away from an activity, the activity will reset to the beginning.

Fictitious P. Erson wrote down what she had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner over the course of a week:


Question 1 of 3

Which of the following is an example of a data type in the collected data?

Fictitious P. Erson also made note of how she was feeling throughout that week:


Question 2 of 3

In the collected Health Log data, the date, upset stomach, and overall feeling are each examples of _______ .

Next, you will see the collected data in a Fusion Table.

Make sure you have Google Fusion Tables added to Google Drive. You can find out how to do this in the Fusion Tables Basics resource.

When you have Fusion Tables added to your Google Drive, click Continue.

Here is the data in a Fusion Table. Note that the Fusion Table will open in a new tab when you click on the link.

Question 3 of 3

Which of these is an example of a record in the table?
