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Making Sense of Data pre course assessment


어제부터 시작한 구글 Making Sense of Data 코스

유닛 1 시작 하기전 시작한 프리테스트를 여기에 기록.. ( 점수가 나오면 좋겠구만 점수가 안나온다 )

유닛1에 있는 테스트도 코스별로 올릴 예정.

Pre-Course Assessment

This optional assessment is a chance for you to preview the material that you will be learning in this class. Do not worry about getting every question correct. Just answer to the best of your ability. At the end of the class, you will have a final assessment that will give you a chance to see how much you learned in the class.

1. A music record producer is looking for music trends that will help him decide which kind of records to produce. His primary question is: what music should I produce in order to sell the most records?

Which of these represents an example of how the music producer can answer this question using the data process?


2. In order to start answering this question, he talked to 20 individuals and collected the following information:NameAge, and Favorite Record.

What should the data type be for Favorite Record?


3. For each record, he also collected the following information: Record NameGenreRelease Date, andTotal Record Sales.

If the record producer wants to put this information in a table, where would the Record NameGenreRelease Date, and Total Record Sales variables go in the table?


4. The record producer wants to know if the price of a record has an effect on its popularity. If he collected information on Number of Records Sold, how could he generate the new column, Price Per Record?


5. The record producer now has two tables: the Individuals table (Name, Age, Favorite Record), and theMusic Records table (Record Name, Genre, Release Date, Records Sold).

Here is a Google Fusion Table containing the Music Records data:

Create a bar chart showing the relationship between Genre and Total Record Sales. Which Genre has the highest average Total Record Sales?


6. Create a summary showing the average Total Record Sales for each Genre. What was the average Total Record Sales for Jazz?


7. Filter the summary so that only songs released from 1975 to 1999 are displayed. What is the average Total Record Sales for Rock music in this time period?


8. Create a scatter plot showing the relationship between Release Year and Total Record Sales. Does there appear to be a relationship between these two variables?


9. The record producer has the option to either re-publish a popular record from the 1980’s, or to invest in a new record. What would result in the highest sales, and why?


10. Based on the data analyzed, the record producer decides to produce a new pop record. Which chart can he use to best convey his analysis to his managers?

