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Making Sense of Data Unit 3 - part 3


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Unit 3 Activity, Part 3

Welcome to the Unit 3 Activity, Part 3.

In the Unit 3 Activity, Part 2, you conducted a Drill-Down Analysis and a Prediction Analysis on the data. In this part of the activity, you will practice:

  • Creating maps and looking for geographic patterns
  • Selecting the best visuals to communicate the analysis

이 차트를 퓨전테이블에서 만들어야 합니다.

Question 1 of 4

Instruction: Create a map using the Country Name variable in the merged table. Then create a heat map with a weighting for forestPercentChange.

Note: The dark red squares on the map imply negative values.

What geographical pattern do you notice in the data?

Question 2 of 4

Remember the primary question: what are the factors influencing the loss of forest area in countries?

In your own words, how would you summarize the findings of your analysis?

Note: this is a critical thinking question, there are many correct answers.


Indiscriminate development 이라고 제출 함..

Question 3 of 4

Which of these three graphs best communicates the relationship between a country’s income level and the rate of forest loss?

Chart A

Chart B

Chart C

Question 4 of 4

Finally, the questions you have been pursuing in this activity are very broad, and can be refined and pursued in a lot of depth. What further work can be done to extend this data process?

Note: this is a critical thinking question, there are many correct answers.


경제성장률과 GDP 통계분석을 하자고 제출..

There are many ways the data process can be expanded. Three possibilities for this scenario include: looking at new factors, further examining the relationships between the current variables, and finding ways to apply your findings in the real world.


데이터 뉴 팩터를 찾아 보자고 제출..

이로써 유닛별 파트문제는 모두 제출 완료. 다음 스케줄은 24일 미들 코스 시작, 파이널 리포트 28일에 제출~
